
About Me

Ever since I was little I was always hungry. I remember I cried once because I wanted to eat dim sum. It was late in the afternoon and most dim sum places are closed, which my parents explained to me, but I kept crying until they took me to Ranch 99 to find something similar. That was another thing, I would sometimes cry because my parents wouldn't take me grocery shopping! What kid throws a fit because they want to go grocery shopping? This chick!

I don't know what it is, but I always want to eat. I blame my dad. He's the cook and he's been cooking dinner for my family my whole life! He makes the best filipino dishes and if it's not a filipino dish, it's something he improvised. My parents make fun of me by telling everyone that they always hear me in the middle of the night opening the refrigerator. My sisters make fun of me by telling people every time we would go out to dinner, I would order the most expensive food. It wasn't because I was spoiled, well maybe, but it was because I wanted to eat what I was craving and it just happens to be the most expensive thing on the menu.

I love food! I'm always hungry and I'm always eating. My friends and family know that food is super important to me and I want to share my stories with others. Every time I meet someone, it's important to me to tell them that I'm passionate about food because I feel that it represents who I am. So here I am creating a blog because I want to see what I can do, where it can go, how it can help me or others and to just see what happens.

My goal is to go to culinary school and when I'm older, much older, I want to own my own restaurant. This blog will be dedicated to food. Food I eat, new/old restaurants, reviews, dishes I've cooked, food I want to try foods I hate, and anything and everything about food.

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